We had a pleasant interview with our valuable business partner DP-Trade.

Ahmet            - Ms. Handan, what are your most preferred products? What do you trade more?

Handan          - Well it is actually commercial qualities. The automotive industry is a completely different industry. More strategic industry. We usually sell commercial qualities, DC01s, DX51s. But of course, we also make structural steels. We also sold a lot of structural steel to Portugal. Or some DC04's, DCC05's we had demand from them too, of course, there are painted ones as well. We were really good at painted ones, too. I forgot the painted ones, I didn't say it. We had a lot of sales to Portugal in painted products as well. It was really good, but after the quota problem in the painted one, which is very small, you know its quota. Our paint job has also decreased a lot. In fact, we also have end users. Service centers are also among our customers. Wide range actually, but not so much for the automotive industry. Because the rules, basis and supply of automotive are different. But you know, we want to do automotive as well.

Ahmet            - Your end customers, so let me put it this way, which customers and which sectors are your products going to? Could you give             a brief information about your end customers? It would be enough for us if we could get information about the sector and the thing in general, not the name.

Handan          As I said, our business is not the automotive industry, I meant it. There are companies that use both the construction industry and structural steel. Or there are guys who take the galvanized and paint it. There are people we occasionally sell well-known goods to. You know, there are steel services. Or well, there are those who make mechanical types of pipes and profiles you know. There are cutters, there are lasers, there are plasmas, generally the end users we know. Except for the automotive sector, let's say so. We appeal to all end users except the automotive industry. You know, we just talked about this commercial quality issue, we talked about value-added products and niche products. Except for the automotive industry, all stockists, pipe profilers, service centers, cut-to-length or something, laser cutting. They are all our customers. You're asking this, I think, end user,

Ahmet            - Yes, that's actually what I wanted to ask. This is what I meant when I said in which sectors, in which fields.

Handan          - Yes, I tried to explain it before. As you said, it is difficult to enter the automotive industry. It is another, more strategic industry. We can't address that much from Turkey at the moment. It is hard for us to get it from Turkey. Maybe our people prefer ease like you do. Since the buyers of commercial qualities is easier and more frequent, we are forced to lean to them. You know, the dynamics of the automotive industry are very different. They buy yearly, their thing is different We will continue, hopefully soon, but not for now unfortunately.

Ahmet            - There is nothing more to ask, nothing more in my notes, Ms. Selin, Ms. Elif, do you have any questions you want to ask or share?

Selin                - I am very pleased, Ms. Handan, thank you very much for your pleasant conversation. I hope we have even better collaborations and will continue.

Handan          - There will be, hopefully. I'm hoping to come to your office soon. I'll see you at the office, too. Mr. Kursat calls me every week so I'll come, but I guess I got a little lazy from sitting at home. Covid is just over, and I was little scared from covid. But I'm more relieved now.

Selin                - Of course, now that it's like the flu, everyone is relieved.

Handan          - I hope to come to you soon.

Selin                - Hopefully, you are always welcome.

Handan          - Thank you very much, I also thank you for your time, thank you

Ahmet            - Any time, Ms. Handan, and thank you for your time and your valuable conversation.